
Abuelos y Nietos Juntos - The Documentary (Grandparents and Grandchildren Together – The Documentary) is a film by award-winning director and producer, Luis Argueta which follows the transformational journey of a group of children who travel 3,000 miles, from Minnesota to Guatemala, to visit their parents’ homeland and to meet their grandparents, for the first time. 

In July of 2013, after months of preparations and planning, fourteen US citizen children, sons and daughters of Guatemalan immigrants embarked on a trip that took them from Worthingon, Minnesota to San Marcos, Guatemala. The children were accompanied by a group of volunteers from Abuelos y Nietos Juntos, a non-for-profit organization founded by Lisa M. Kremer. 

“This was the realization of a dream which began in the hearts of immigrants of Worthington, Minnesota and their families in Guatemala, that one day they would be together.”
       Lisa M. Kremer 

Luis Argueta, director and producer of The Silence of Neto and abUSed: The Postville Raid, led a film crew that was able to document this emotional pilgrimage. By interviewing the children, the parents and the grandparents, before, during and after the trip, they have been able to capture the entire experience. 

Abuelos y Nietos Juntos - The Documentary narrates this inspirational story of family reunification - building bridges across cultures and across generations. 
“I believe that this film can help promote an encounter, between the fearful and cynical adult in us and the strong and hopeful child we once were, and realize that -independent of age, status or location- each one of us can contribute to a more just and united world.”

Luis Argueta